• Are you not getting enough pageviews ?
  • Do you want your visitors to stay more on your BLOG?
  • Do you want to increase pageviews of your BLOG?
I think YES. So, Let�s start:
A friend of mine started a blog about six months ago, and when I talked to him about it back then, he was so excited to get going. When I saw him again last week, I asked him how it was all progressing. He told me that he spent a lot of time writing two articles which a total of 8 people read (not including his family). He was so discouraged by the pageviews that he decided not to pursue blogging anymore. He decided it just wasn�t worth his time.

Getting high traffic is the first most aim of every blogger which can be possible only by some most simple but unique strategies. There are lots of blogger who really write unique and original content but without SEO and proper traffic strategies they don't get enough traffic they deserve. There are also many bloggers who copy paste blog articles and apply for ad networks like clicksor, chitika or other CPC programs and campaigns like Adf.ly to to make some good money, but without SEO and Some Smart Strategies there hardwork nearly gets lost or they get a little revenue which is really tiny as compared to the work they do.

So today I'm gonna unleash some simple but most important and unique strategies or you may say ways to get high traffic towards your blog,in this way your pageviews will be increase approximately 1000+,if you follow my 3 instructions to drive tons of pageviews per month.

Here I mentioned 3 fact for blogger users to drive 1000+ pageviews per day,and such are basics of blogger platform but many did not know,and these are so smart and awesome,such are discussed below;
  1. Adding robots.txt files in blogger
  2. Setup robots header setting in blogger
  3. Adding Kissmetrics Plugins to blogger & Optimize Blog Title

Fact 1: Adding robots.txt file in Blogger:

First of all I tell you about How to add robots.txt file in blogger,and I talked a bit on this in my previous lecture,so there is no need to tell anything about robots.txt in this topic.Lets come to the goal we have to add robots.txt file in blogger to drive approximately 1000+ pageviews.So follow these instructions
  • ?Go to Blogger Dashboard?Your Blog
  • ?Settings?Search preferences
  • ?Crawlers and indexing?Custom robots.txt
Here you see a option to enable custom robots.txt,click on this and a blank window will be open,in this window paste the below piece of code and click save changes.

User-agent: Mediapartners-GoogleDisallow:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /search?q=*
Disallow: /*?updated-max=*
Allow: /
Sitemap: http://www.yourblogurl.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?orderby=updated

Note:After adding this piece of code make sure that you have already adding sitemap to webmaster tool,and replace url with your own blog url.
Congratulation: You have successfully done your first step.
See below video demo to insert such piece of code.

Fact 2: Setup robots.txt Setting In Blogger:

After the first step of inserted robots.txt file in blogger,now its time to setup header setting in blogger blog,follow below instructions to fullfil your aim :)
  • ?Go to Blogger Dashboard?Your Blog
  • ?Settings?Search preferences
  • ?Crawlers and indexing?Custom robots header tags
Here,you will see the same option to enable it,after clicking a window with several small tabs will be opend,and setting it by the same as you seen in below shoot.
Congratulation: You have successfully done your second step.

Fact 3: Adding Kissmetrics HTML Plugin to Blogger:

This is the last step you must do,and it performs a major rule in your page tracking and analyting properties.How would you get Kissmetrics HTML plugin.and one thing to keep in mind this plugin is limited.

How To Get KISSmetrics HTML Plugin:

Follow my below instructions to get such plugin,
  • ?Go to KISSmetrics?Signup
  • ?Fill the Form
  • Inshort,You will get the same code as seen below
<!-- KISSmetrics tracking snippet --><script type="text/javascript">var _kmq = _kmq || [];var _kmk = _kmk || 'b2f74fcc2f98441286faebcab9bf6f51b2b447f0';function _kms(u){  setTimeout(function(){    var d = document, f = d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0],    s = d.createElement('script');    s.type = 'text/javascript'; s.async = true; s.src = u;    f.parentNode.insertBefore(s, f);  }, 1);}_kms('//i.kissmetrics.com/i.js');_kms('//doug1izaerwt3.cloudfront.net/' + _kmk + '.1.js');</script>
Copy such piece of code and paste it into blogger HTML editor box (HTML/JavaScript),You have done.

Optimize Your Blog Post Title Tags:

That is called blogspot "Title Swapping'',Swapping blog title can help boost your position in search engines,so how to add this piece of code to your blog.
  • ?Go to Blogger Dashboard?Template
  • ?Edit HTML?Press Ctrl+F to open Search Box
  • ?Find ''<title><data:blog.pageTitle/></title>'' in template
  • ?You need to replace the code above with this one
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'><title><data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/></title><b:else/><title><data:blog.pageTitle/></title> </b:if>
  • ?Click ''save template'' and you have done!
Congratulation:You have successfully done your third step.

From The Editor�s Desk:

Dude: You have successfully done your all steps.Please one thing keep in mind this is not a blackhat tactics to increase my blog pageviews or popularity,this is a practical tricks which I ever use.When you adding these whole steps to your blog 100% sure you will get 1000+ pageviews perday.If you like this effort please drop a little comment for us as a reward from you.I hope this tutorial helps you further boost your blog traffic like never before.Let us know if you need any help via comment section below or make a tweet to @MrAbdullahMalik.

Hamza Shafiq

Hello Friendz...My Name is Hamza Shafiq.I read in 1st year (CIT)Computer Information Technology in Sitara Insitute of Management Technology

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