It is possible to make extra income through people downloading files you share, whether it is some wallpaper pictures you made, an eBook you composed, software, videos etc. A company called UpLoading will pay you at whatever point somebody downloads one of your files. Just take after a few steps and you will soon start to get income from your online creativity in your extra time.

Firstly Read Instructions

  • Make a few files you might want to share and have people download. These can be anything from desktop wallpaper you made to possibly an eBook you have written, videos, software etc.
  • Create an account on these websites to give money by uploading files
  • Upload your files once your account is creating. Just click the "Upload file" link on your user page and select the file you might want to upload.
  • Copy the link you will receive after uploaded your file. Copy the link and share your friends and people. For every 1,000 download you earn $10 to $30.

Top Websites to Earn Money by Uploading Files 

Minimum Payout: $ 10
Amount for per 1000 downloads: $ 30
Referral Commission: 20% of earning 
Payment Method: Webmoney, Paypal, check and wire, Z-purse

DepositFiles is a famous and trusted PPD (pay every download) site. It is the best and secure platform to upload any kind of files like exe, mpage, avi, rar, zip, mp3, software, jpeg, games etc. DepositeFiles has quick servers that will make download simple and quick. You can earn $ 0.03 on every download. The maximum upload file size is up to 2GB.


Minimum Payout: $ 10
Amount on per download: $ 1 to $ 20
Referral Commission: 10% of monthly earning
Payment Method: Payza, PayPal, Payoneer, Wire Transfers, Payquicker, Western Union, ePassporte, bank transfer and Checks

ShareCash is a progressive and best Pay Per Download website start in 2009. ShareCash gives facility to upload any kind of files. It is most popular website, the World Alexa Rank for this web is around 14,398 with Google Page rank 3. It gives staggering user interface and great features that can upgrade you to earn more from your uploading files.


Minimum Payout: $ 30
Amount on per 1000 downloads: $ 40
Referral Commission: 20%
Payment Method: Wire Transfer, PayPal, Webmoney, Alertpay, Epese, ePassporte

Uploading is the popular site to host and offer to share important files. It is a glorious source for uploading files by your desktop and mobile whatever point you require. The World Alexa Rank 3196 and Google Page Rank 5. It checks downloads from all countries furthermore counts each effectively complete download without tracking the IP. Uploading pays up to $ 0.02 every download in view of size of the file and account status.


Minimum Payout: $10
Amount on per 1000 downloads: $ 20
Referral Commission: $0.05 per registration
Payment Method: moneybookers, Paypal

Ziddu is the one of oldest sharing site. The best feature of Ziddu is, it got no limitations on downloads or whatever other factors. The user no compulsory to purchase a premium account, and they give equivalent value for all download. On every download you got $ 0.001 from the world.

5. Easy-Share

Minimum Payout: $10
Amount on per 1000 downloads: $ 40
Referral Commission: 20%
Payment Method: Alertpay, Paypal, wire transfer, Web money, ePassporte and direct bank transfer

Easy-Share gives simple method to earn money through to affiliate programs. One is pay per download and other is revenue sharing project. Pick the best which would you like and continue to your upload. Easy-Share gives up to $ 0.002 on every download.


Minimum Payout: $10
Amount on per 1000 downloads: $ 1 +
Referral Commission: 10%
Payment Method: Payza and Paypal

Uploadpay is the best Pay Per Download site and you can upload any kind of file. You can likewise customization download page and can bold content, include headings and even pictures. It is quick and fast account approval. Files are removed when a DMCA appeal is made. The site restrict that the files stay lawful and don't violate any copyright policy.


Minimum Payout: $10
Amount on per 1000 downloads: $ 40
Referral Commission: 20%
Payment Method: AlertPay, Paypal, Webmoney

Wupload is the one of the leading Pay Per Download site, with the most highest payout. It gives free registration different programs to share files are accessible. It pays high on every download. 

I hope this article become useful for you.


Hamza Shafiq

Hello Friendz...My Name is Hamza Shafiq.I read in 1st year (CIT)Computer Information Technology in Sitara Insitute of Management Technology

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