Making a reliable brand over the web will help you build your audience and YouTube is an imperative figure doing that. At the same time, you have to change your YouTube channel URL so it match your brand.

If you haven't done this as of now, I'm going to show to you how.

It's truly simple and it just takes a few minute. Anyhow simply because its quick and simple doesn't mean it ought to be overlooked.

Lose that Ugly YouTube URL Now

By default, YouTube issues you a really long and ugly channel URL. It is extremely unlikely anybody could ever remember it which makes it difficult to share, not to mention a variety of other things. You have to change your YouTube URL with the matches your brand.

Your YouTube Settings

Firstly login to your google account and go to Youtube and see in the top rith corner.

You will see your profile photo and a litter arrow. Click the arrow and go to Youtube settings.

Now you are show Overview of your account. Click Advanced

Now you are select Create custom URL

Now show a new window Create a custom URL. So choose a custom URL, if username available according to your brand than click on Create Channel URL Button

after selecting, you should see a notification in green that confirmation your have successfully create a custom URL for your Youtube channel.


Hamza Shafiq

Hello Friendz...My Name is Hamza Shafiq.I read in 1st year (CIT)Computer Information Technology in Sitara Insitute of Management Technology

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